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A professor 👨‍🏫 explains marketing to MBA students

A PROFESSOR EXPLAINS MARKETING TO MBA STUDENTS. 1. You see a gorgeous girl at the party. You go up to her and say: "I am very rich. ...

11 Jan 2017


What you don’t see you can’t believe, what you don’t believe you can’t proclaim, and what you don’t proclaim you cannot claim. {Bishop David .O.  Abioye}.
There is no way you will proclaim failure or advertise failure and your end product becomes greatness.
You are what you proclaim in other words you get what you say.
Our words are actually the bye products of the thoughts of our hearts show me a great man and I will prove to you that he/she is a product of a positive mind set. If the people you company with are pioneers of negative thinking, then I can rest assure you that there will be no vacancy for your breeds in Success Avenue, not until you part company with those whose default thoughts forecast only but poverty